Draft Logo

COM499: Content Creation for Media
Draft Logo (50 pts)
Due Date: 9/29, 5pm


The purpose of this project is to develop a logo that illustrates and brands your topic. This logo should be accompanied by a written description of how your design communicates your topic.

Think about your topic and how it can be summed up in a simple illustration. You might find it useful to sketch out your logo ideas before you start working in your design software.

Using the Illustrator tools you learned in the tutorials, create a new logo that is at least 400 x 400 pixels. You can choose your aspect ratio.

Write a 250 to 500word abstract about your your design choices and story. Post it in your blog along with your draft logo. I recommend writing and saving this description in Word then copying and pasting the text into the blog post when you are ready to post.


There are several online resources that will help you in thinking about logo design.

Required Reading:

30 Brilliant Vector Logo Designs, Deconstructed: http://vector.tutsplus.com/articles/web-roundups/30-brilliant-vector-logo-designs-deconstructed/

Logo Design Tips: http://www.thelogofactory.com/logo-design-tips/

5 Branding Basics Every Logo Designer Should Know: http://sixrevisions.com/graphics-design/5-branding-basics-every-logo-designer-should-know/

What Makes a Great Logo: http://www.code-interactive.com/thinker/a112.html

Step-by-Step Logo: http://www.ideabook.com/tutorials/logo_design/stepbystep_logo.html

Additional Resources:

Logo Design History: http://www.logoorange.com/logodesign-A.php

70 Excellent Logo Design Tutorials: http://sixrevisions.com/graphics-design/70-excellent-logo-design-tutorials-and-resources/

Your grade for the draft logo will be determined using the following criteria:

  • Creativity in visual composition
  • Creativity in writing
  • Demonstration of the use of the tools learned in this unit’s tutorials

The draft graphic logo should be posted to your blog accompanied with the written description by Thursday, September 29 at 5pm.


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