Illustrator Tutorials

COM499: Content Creation for Media
Illustrator Tutorials
Due Date: Sep. 26, 5pm 

Overview & Background

You will be using Adobe Illustrator to create your Logo. These tutorials will help you get familiar with the basic tools in Illustrator. Ultimately, the skills you learn here will help you realize your creative vision for your logo.


You will be following several tutorials. We will go through the first tutorial in class together. Once you have completed all the tutorials, please create a blog post with all of your final assets (finished versions of the images). You can export images for the web by clicking:

File->Export. Select “JPEG” as the “file type” in bottom center, then click save

Please also save your original Illustrator (.ai) files on the network drive under “Z:\COM499\[YOUR LAST NAME]\Illustrator Tutorials\”


(In class):

  1. Stacked Paper:

(On your own):

  1. Example LTD Logo:
  2. RSS Icon:
  3. Bunny Illustration:


  1. Purple Lemon Logo:
  2. Obama Logo:
  3. Glowing Abstract Light:

Note: You may replace either “on your own” tutorials 1 or 2 with the more advanced bonus 4-6 tutorials, but you must complete tutorial 3.

Grading Rubric

Tutorials will be graded for completion. Tutorials 1 and 2 (or replacement bonus tutorials) are worth 5 points each. Tutorial 3 is worth 10 points. Bonus tutorials are worth 2 points extra credit each.

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